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發表於 2019-9-20 04:27:45 | 觀看: 654| 回覆: 0 |
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The Derrick Story in Singapore-1992
1992/1/1 Singapore celebrate 1992 New Year

4x2x1x2 I was enlisted in the army after my pre-university exams... I remember being given an army crew cut for the 1st time in life and I really hated it because I looked damn ugly and bald like a monk. Life in the army was rather relax for me as I was a “Cadet Inspector” during my school days as a form of extra curriculum activities or ECS. Life will be much easier if you are physically fit and the army instructors tend to cut you some slack because you are an “obedient soldier “.    After 3 months of basic military training, I graduated and was selected to the next vocation as a “ Marine Sniper” , I guessed that is because I was the number 1 marksman for M16 firing across the entire battalion of  2000 recruits.

PS: Derrick Story Line

Roles:Derrick, Andy and Mike
Scene:In Singapore
Derrick : Hi Andy and Mike , today after we booked out from camp, wanna  to go Fire Disco at Orchard road to know some girls?
Mike: Sure man! I heard many babes there!
Andy: Well, I am sure to be the lover boy, let me show you my dancing skills, sure can impress all the girls... So, the 3 of us went to Fire Disco that night n true enough we managed to know a few girls but a fight broke out and we had no time to exchange phone numbers

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